With all the conflicting parenting advice out there, it’s difficult to know whether you’re a good mom or a bad mom. Take this handy quiz to find out once and for all.
Keep track of your answers on a post-it and total your score at the end. Won’t it be a relief to know whether or not you’re a bad mom?
1. How many hours per week does your child spend in daycare?
- A. None. I’m a stay-at-home mom.
- B. 40 or more. I work full-time.
- C. About 20. I work half-time.
2. Where does your baby sleep
- A. In a crib.
- B. In my bed.
- C. In a co-sleeper.
3. Do you allow your child to watch television?
- A. Yes.
- B. No.
4. Has your child been vaccinated?
- A. Yes.
- B. No.
5. How many scheduled activities (storytimes, lessons, classes or playgroups) does your child attend each week?
- A. None
- B. One or more.
1. Day Care.
- A: Stay at home mom. You are a bad mom. Your child will be poorly socialized, will lack verbal skills, and will become horribly ill during kindergarten because he or she has never been exposed to germs.
- B: Full-time working mom. You are a bad mom. Your child will have an attachment disorder. You are missing the best years of his or her life.
- C: Part-time working mom. You are the worst mom. Your child will suffer attachment issues, be poorly socialized, lack verbal skills and will be sick as a dog forever.
2. Sleeping arrangements.
- A: Baby sleeps in a crib. You are a bad mom. How could you put your child in a cage to sleep? What’s wrong with you?
- B: Baby sleeps in your bed. You are a bad mom. How could you risk rolling onto your child and killing her? What’s wrong with you?
- C: Baby sleeps in a co-sleeper. You are a bad mom. How could you waste so much money on that ridiculous co-sleeper? Is it because you read about it in Dr. Sears? You won’t be able to afford to send your child to college.
3. Television
- Yes. You are a bad mom. Your child will be violent, mouthy, and unpleasant. He or she will whine for every candy and toy they see the next time you go to the store.
- No. You are a bad mom. Your child will lack reading skills and will have nothing to talk with other children about. You are raising a freak.
4. Vaccinations:
- A: Yes. You are a bad mom. How could you do that to a helpless baby who cannot consent to being experimented on by the public health system?
- B: No. You are a bad mom. How could you do that to a helpless baby whose immune system can’t fight off all those germs?
5. Activities
- A: None. You are a bad mom. Your child will fall behind his or her peers and never catch up if you don’t head over to the children’s theatre production of “Apocalypse Now” this weekend.
- B: One or more. You are a bad mom. Your child is overscheduled and will suffer a breakdown due to the stress you’re putting on him or her. You’re probably doing Suzuki, aren’t you.
*Taken from http://subarcticmama.wordpress.com/2007/05/12/are-you-a-good-mom-or-bad-mom-take-this-quiz-to-find-out/*
Probably every first-time mom understands how you feel! If you do have a second child, you may want to check out this great program. It's called Germy Wormy Germ Awareness for Germ Transportation Vehicles, ages 2 -7. Young children in a mom-invented, fun and drug-free way to both avoid AND keep from spreading germs, and no immunizations are required. Tell you daycare provider about it!
Give kids a PLACE to give their germs instead of you!
Very funny! And, I love the new blog look!
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