Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I am getting around to my Mother's Day post a little late, seeing as there is only 40 min left to the day. I had a fantastic Mother's started with breakfast in bed by my wonderful husband, followed by a wonderful church service, a loooooooooong nap, and then over to my parent's house. I went and got groceries for my mom for her Mother's day gift (because she hates to do it) and then we all had a nice, relaxing dinner together. It really was a very nice day.
I love every minute of being a mommy (o.k. maybe not every minute, ha!) but I do feel incredibly blessed that God trusted me with my little baby boy whom I wouldn't trade for the world. Connor lights up my days in ways I never could have imagined. Seeing things through his eyes has been the most amazing experience thus far. I hope and pray every day that I can be the best mommy ever to him, that I can instill a love of the Lord in him, that he always trusts me, and that he is faithful, happy, strong, caring, and healthy. Being a parent is most definitely NOT easy, I would be lying if I said I wasn't prepared for half of the feelings I would feel, all of the guilt and the worry...but the bottom line is, it is minuscule compared to the immense love I feel for him. Every night when I go to bed, I look in on my little man and I thank God for giving me the biggest blessing imaginable, and I will continue to do so because I never want to take one minute for granted with him.

Thank you Connor, for making me the mommy that I am today. I hope to always make you proud and be the best I can be for you...I will always try my best, I promise. You are and always will be "mommy's little man". I love you to the moon and back! XOXO, Mommy

To my mom,
Thank you for....
~ being there for me in situations that were beyond difficult to comprehend at times
~ never giving up on me (in situations such as above)
~ listening to me when all I need to do is vent
~ never judging me
~ taking me in after being out of the house for so long
~ helping me get back on my feet
~ believing in Jake when not a lot of people did
~ loving my husband like your own
~ the fun shopping trips, the laughs, the times we do nothing but still have a good time...I miss them and wish they happened more, I treasure our time together
~ seeming to always know just what I need before I need it
~ being my best friend
~ setting an awesome example for me to follow as a mother
~ being the best grandma a little boy could ask for
~ setting such a Godly example and never giving up on me when God was the LAST thing I wanted to hear about
~ I could go on and on, but thank you for being you, for loving me, for understanding me, for being the best mom anyone could ever ask for. I am blessed beyond belief to have you as a mom and a best friend!

I love Taylor Swift and I absolutely LOVE this song and video so I thought it would be perfect to dedicate to my own mom this Mother's Day. The lyrics are so sweet and true and I can say that I feel exactly what she is saying in this song about my mom. Happy Mother's Day!!!

(video deleted) but the song is called "The Best Day" is awesome and so is the video!

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