Friday, September 4, 2009

Da' Bears!

Oh how I looooooove football season!!! My husband is the biggest sports nut I know...seriously, like he is crazy about stats and stuff and can tell you who won the world series or super bowl in like 1956. Some call it geeky...I call it smart. Ha! So needless to say, Jake is happy when football rolls around, because I love to watch it and we root for the same team...the Chicago Bears!!!!! It doesn't matter that we moved to Indiana three years ago, our hearts will always be in Chicago. Never will we be Colts offense to any Colts fans who may be reading this. :)One thing we are certainly VERY excited about this year is one certain player and his name is Mr. Jay Cutler....

I have high hopes for him and so does Jake. We are so excited to see what he can bring to the table as the Bears new quarterback! Not to be left out, Connor is rooting right along side with us! We are raising our little man right, to root on the best team in the NFL! (in our eyes at least) GO BEARS!!!

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